Denny Morales
1 min readJan 11, 2022


To find a real deep peace and a resolve with mind. One must understand the art of doing without doing. Our system of creation gave us this gift through our core beingness. We are already healed and inside the perfect world when we have the courage to capture the minds insanity without a reaction of any form.

Yes to finalize your healing and to bring your experience to a peaceful resolve we must take snap shots of our thoughts passing by with a mere watchfulness. Nothing else is required. Bringing a watchfulness and allowing whatever is already naturally inside you as a desire to lift naturally as the patience of watchfulness immerses you through the filtering process that can free you once enough silence has been penetrated into the thought world.

It is the most simplest thing to find peace and Nirvana will free you as soon as all doings are halted. The last nightmare as master Osho describes will be Nirvana. Nirvana is not an experience a feeling or anything. Nirvana is the complete emptiness of your thoughts. When you hear only silence upstairs Nirvana just freed you.

With warm peaches and butterflies,

~Denny Morales



Denny Morales

I enjoy expressing my love for the deeper essence that pumps our natural world. Who we really are is the goal to reach. And these are my words reaching that.