Denny Morales
2 min readJan 18, 2022


How to survive without working so hard?

The only way I’ve found is diving into the metaphysical world…You gotta go so deep you lose your logic…Then keep going until you lose your mind…Then take it one step further and lose the identity that has trapped you…

This is the process I’ve undergone and it has been a very painful process but also very rewarding…The world can’t survive without your ego…Ego fuels the world because the world is driven by logic…Humanity is to afraid to surrender into a new world filled with heart…Everyone is still in protection and blame mode and lets just lock up anyone that does something that we deem “bad”…

Humanity isn’t ready to truly bring peace in the world…But that doesn’t mean you can’t be free and bring peace into your world…The more you free yourself the more you show humanity the proof it needs to drop fear…We are a very important element in this transition process from an ego driven world to a divinely peaceful world…

The challenge is to step into this new world we must completely drop ego…There can’t be any trace of ego because peace and ego are like water and oil…Ego isn’t “bad” but it isn’t the way to peace either…No matter how much you want to fight to keep your ego it just can’t work together…Ego must be completely dissolved to begin the process of healing and finding a real authentic peace within…Ego is the barrier the hell the darkness…Unlocking yourself from ego should be your only mission because that’s what will free you and bring what you desire effortlessly and will heal you deeply…

With warm Sun and butterflies,

~Denny Morales



Denny Morales

I enjoy expressing my love for the deeper essence that pumps our natural world. Who we really are is the goal to reach. And these are my words reaching that.