Denny Morales
3 min readJan 19, 2022


How taking advice from anyone is hurting you. Its taken me a very long time to understand the basics and then there is someone who learns the basic skills and adds their own belief system to it. So we need to find that middle ground where we are adding value to the basics and not stuck with one persons belief on how that thing should be.

Example I know in my heart which is my belief not the ultimate reality that this virus will not hurt me or kill me. But if I make someone else believe that or force my way onto them it can eventually do more damage than if I first would of checked in on their belief system of this topic and honored their beliefs. I don’t have to agree with them or believe in what they believe but I can honor their journey. They may not honor my journey because they have a strong belief that this virus can hurt me and that I’m the problem to why this virus keeps spreading. They are making a judgement just as I am making a judgement to their views. We are both hurting each other and not honoring each other’s freewill.

Humanity is not ready to honor each individual’s journey because it deems science or some other persons experience to be the ultimate truth. In reality we are always supported and loved for whatever we believe in and we can shift those beliefs if we feel we need to expand and understand or learn something new. We don’t have to stay with one belief or just because a Dr or scientist with authority says something we don’t have to agree or even live by their findings. In truth we are made of energy and we are a constant flow and shift. Energy is never a cemented one way highway.

So in a way we are hurting each other with our emotions and belief systems because it makes conversations tense and not fluid. It becomes a barrier from the natural flow. Because ultimately the universe doesn’t care about what’s right and what is wrong. God or source doesn’t have an opinion about you or how you live your experience. Ego does care and ego does make judgements and judgements are the hell of this world. That’s why it doesn’t feel good to be judged or if you really feel in your body when you are judging someone you can feel how toxic it feels.

I heard a master once say judgement is worse than murder. Take that in for a moment and let the ego chew on that. Judgement is the evil of the world. Not the actual event causing chaos. The actual event causing chaos is merely a past judgement gaining momentum and hasn’t been acknowledged and loved.

With warm tea and butterflies,

~Denny Morales



Denny Morales

I enjoy expressing my love for the deeper essence that pumps our natural world. Who we really are is the goal to reach. And these are my words reaching that.