Doing Business from your heart in a world that nurtures the logical mind…

Denny Morales
2 min readOct 31, 2022

Its been a long scary and rewarding road doing business from my heart and not from the logical standpoint…

I remember hearing about a little digital currency that was going to revolutionize the money game back in 2009 called Bitcoin…

I bought in at 5 cents and then the world of chaos and logic intervened with my heart…I knew this thing was going to be huge some day…But I listened to the logic and gave up my digital wallet and even gave away the computer with that wallet…

This has happened to me over and over even when Blockbuster was dissolved by Netflix…I never understood why humans operate from logic and just go with their heart?

But for many years I have allowed the intellectuals of this world guide what I do and I’ve never felt a good connection or good results from that point of view…I go with my gut heart and make moves based on that experience and my life unfolds like a flower in spring…

I haven’t called one mistake yet and now I am beginning to reap the rewards…I feel we are entering into a pullback in the crypto market and I feel soon will be a time to get in again…

Restaurants will be revolutionized with robots because humans can’t drain their life forces anymore there is no longer a choice due to a deep awareness of self coming to this planet…

AI will also be a part of that and eventually this blog I am writing will be written by a robot completely…

Elon’s take over with Twitter will be a huge push for crypto…

And space travel will become a new industry with drones taking over Amazon deliveries…

So many wonderful things will rise from the feeling world if we tap into our hearts not our reality…If we base our life via what is happening now we are living in the past…But if we tap into our tomorrow we begin to live like God and that’s a very galactic experience that’s not a fantasy or a fake fairytale…

Happy dreaming…🦋

A pretty cool book suggestion:



Denny Morales

I enjoy expressing my love for the deeper essence that pumps our natural world. Who we really are is the goal to reach. And these are my words reaching that.